Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Welcome Home Doug!

Dear Fam,

So first off, I will just throw a shout out to my cousin Doug! I dont know... haha Congratulations on coming home?? Can I say that? Im not going to lie, on that Wednesday I kept thinking to myself, Doug is going to be home in 8 hours 4 hours, 1 hour, wow Doug is getting home right now! haha Then after I was like wow I wonder what Doug is doing right now on his first day home haha. So Doug you are going to have to write and tell me about it! I have only been here a couple of months and I think it would be so wierd to be doing something else!

Second, Transfers were this week. Mixed feelings... I found out that I will be staying in Vitoria, as I expected, and so will my companion. BUT Elder Keyes, will be leaving... He is the other english speaking missionary here. He will be replaces by a missionary who doesnt know spanish... Of course there are upsides and downsides... One good thing is I will be surrounded by 3 native spanish speakers for at least 6 weeks which should help me a ton with my spanish so I am excited, but the downside is I will be surrounded by 3 native spanish speakers!!!! haha There are times when I just get sick of talking spanish I need to talk to someone in English, so we will see... I still dont know what to think! Also, being the only english speaking missionary here in Vitoria I will need to teach all of the Africans who prefer to hear the lessons in English... Hey, at least I will be busy! haha I dont know, we will see how it goes! O also, Elder Knudson goes home this week... Kind of a bummer, but he said he wanted to go and visit my family, so you can expect a visit from him sometime this week or next week! He is a funny kid and can tell you about all the things we did in San Sebatian that I didnt have time to tell! Make sure you ask him about the story about the bridge! Its a good one! :) haha

And now the moment you have all been waitign for! ERNEST WAS BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY! It was the most amazing experience so far in my life! Never before have I felt the spirit like I did at his baptism! It was truly amazing! It was funny though because we had to do it twice... The first time his arm didnt go under the water. I told him we had to do it again and he kept trying to just dunk himself. Finally I was like Ernest just relax and let me handle it. You could tell he was super nervous! It was great! Also, President Pace, and two 70s were there for the conference they talked at later that day! It was a great day! I was a little scared though because on Sunday he was scheduled to be confirmed, but he didnt show up to church on time, in fact, he showed up 50 minutes late! haha I was kind of freaking out but it turned out well. President Pace was in the meeting and confirmed him! It was an all around great weekend! And Yes mom, the service and the pray was in english! :) He understands a lot of Spanish but cant speak it so he prefers english.

Now for your questions Dad...

Have you used all your ambien?
No, I saved 2 just in case I have a week where I am not sleeping or just in case!
Do you use your earplugs and eyeshades?
I use the earplugs every night, but not the eyeshades! The ear plugs are great. One pair usually lasts me about 2 to 3 weeks..
Do you drink tap water or do you need bottled water
Here in Vitoria (Or in the North) You can drink the tap water. It tastes really good. Anywhere else, Bottled water...
Does Vitoria have Mcdonalds, fast food, starbucks, other restaurants etc?
I have been in Vitoria for 6 weeks and I have not seen anything American... The closest thing we have to fast food is the Columbian Hamburger shop 2 streets over... The only difference is they put Ham on it and like eggs and other stuff, Pretty good! They eat ham with almost anything here!
Do you ever have dinner appointments?
We do have dinner appointments every once in awhile. Usually the missionaries here eat with members during mediodia but I cant for another 6 weeks because I am in this stupid trainning program for another 6 weeks, but we usually do eat during mediodia on Sundays.
Have you eaten any spanish food/drinks that you like? Paella???
I have tried some stuff! I cant remember names. Paella yes! Its pretty good! I enjoy it! Soem members here own a restraunt and invite us to eat every once and awhile. But most of the time when I eat with members it isnt Spanish food. Most the members are from South America so I eat more South American food!" Lots of empenadas... Hey, Im not complaining! :)

Well everyone! I love you all and hope you have a great week! School starts soon! Good luck! :) I am sending someletters home to Annie, Ryan, and Kate Dana today! If not today soemtime this week! Thanks for your letters guys! :) I love you all and will talk to you next week!

Elder Carrigan

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