Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Knocking Doors! :)

Hey Everyone!

It was a great week here in Lleida! Lots of great stuff went down! haha Also lots of stress...

This week we had a huge two day conference here in Lleida. It went really well, but it was also a lot of work on our part or should I say preparation. The conference turned out really well. Really inspirational and definitely raised the faith of the zone! After the first day all 42 missionaries that were here for the conference went to work here in Lleida. It was AWESOME! Lleida just got attacked! haha There were missionaries everywhere! We received a bunch of references and numbers from all the missionaries so it should be a good week coming up as well! :) In the end it was worth it!

Elder Wright and I also saw an a huge miracle this last week. We were visiting a member on Friday night and we asked them if any of her neighbors would be interested in hearing the Gospel. They told us that they had no idea so I told them that we were going to knock her whole building. She laughed thinking that we were joking, but we werent... haha We left the visit and went to the top floor and just started knocking. We knocked about 3 floors and didnt find anything, but then I knocked a door and a middle aged Spanish lady opened the door. I started talking to her and she explained to me that she was athiest and didnt want anything to do with our message but she was really nice and didnt slame the door in our face. haha I kind of just blew of what she said and just started teaching and testifying that there was a God, she was His daughter, and that she could know it for herself. Right then everything changed! She began listiening and let us in. We started talking about faith. She told us that she didnt have any... How she had been to lots of chuches and had never felt anything. She told us that the only time she feels good in her life is when she serves other people. We told her that she did have lots of faith. That she showed her faith by serving others just as Jesus did. We testified that the reason she felt good while serving is because the Holy Ghost filled her heart as she served others. She then asked the most incredible question::) Well how can I feel this way all the time? Boom! We explained the that that is our Job as misisonaries and that we can help her faith grow! We taught her about the Book of Mormon, Prayer, and Church. She started crying and said that she doesnt know if this will work, but she has nothing to loose and wants to try. Although she did not except to be baptized YET! :) She promised to come to chruch. She came AND brought her sister! They both loved the church and both felt so loved by the members. They both comitted to come this Sunday as well and were both asking. So when can you two come by and teach us more?? It was incredible to see such a big change is a small amount of time! We will be teaching them both this week! It was a great miracle from the Lord! 

Well, Love you all lots! Hope you all have a great week! 


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