Well, this week was a week full of.... SERVICE!!!! Yeah! My body is dead! haha This week we were busy helping with a ton of people! Which in a way was good! I dont think I have had a Christmas season quite like this one before! We were busy helping the food bank here in Lleida one day, we were just packaging, counting, and storing food for a couple hours. Moving giant pallets of food here and there. And to top it off, in the rain! haha It was a fun but also work! Never have I moved so much food before! haha
The next day we helped a family here in Lleida move their buisness into a new store. The lady was the biggest pain! haha I am sorry but wow! I was so done with her by the end of the morning! haha For example, she would tell us to take these giant bookcases down the stairs and when I saw them I told her, yeah this isnt going to fit down the stairs, we are goign to have to take it apart... Of course she told me I was wrong so... We started hiking it down the stairs. We get to the first corner and what do you know, doesnt fit.... So we show here and she says oh, you just need to turn it the other way! So what do we do, hike it back up the stairs, turn the bookcase. I look at it again and told her, No.... Its not going down these stairs... She insists, so we try and hey... Doesnt fit! haha So thats how that morning went!
Then on Saturday we had a big Christmas party in the church! It was also a lot of work but we had a lot of fun! Almost the whole ward came to the party! We all ate together and then had an open mike talent show. Lots of people ssang christmas songs, told jokes, and we even had a small skit! we then played musical chairs! haha It was the funniest thing I have ever seen! At first we just had the little kids play, but then we told the adults that they were going to play! At first it was a little hard to get them excited to play but then once it got going, it was the most competitive game of musical chairs I have ever seen! Everyone was laughing and I would say it was maybe the highlight of the night! haha We then pulled out a giant Cagatio and sang and beat the Cagatio! haha They let the missionaries participate as well so I officially have a video of me beating the Cagatio! :) It was one for the memory books! Almost all of our investigators came to the party and they absolutely loved it! It was a success! Thats for sure!
Well that about it for this week! I will talk to you guys on Tuesday! :) Merry Christmas! Love you all!
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