Looks like you guys had a great week at home! Park City looks really fun! I just hope that you all know that I could beat you all in the Alpine Slide ANY DAY! :) I cant believe school starts tomorrow! Thats nuts to me! Time flies by! I hope you guys all enjoy your first day of school today!!! O man the first day of school is always great! And Ry Guy! Holy! Your first day of high school! Thats nuts!
I also still cant believe that Ty is home... It still blows my mind! You guys all looked really good in the photo you sent me! Ryan looks huge! Nick needs a hair cut! (I hope he didnt go to his first day of senior year like that haha) Annie looking good in her Blue Knights jersey! (Congrats on the championship!!) Ty... You chose the ugliest tie to come home in! haha But really do I expect anything different... haha
Well anyway... All is well here in Barcelona! This week was actually a week of mixed feelings! We are teaching a lot of people right now which is really good! The only problem is just none of them come to church! It kills me every Sunday! There is no way they can progress if they dont come to church!
The worst part of the week is that we ran out of calls and messages on our phone so we werent able to call anyone during the day... We had to call everyone in the morning and confirm the visits and then just hope they would be there in the afternoon. We had to work like they did in the olden days! I dont know how the missionaries did it back in the day! Never had I had so many cancelled visits in my life!
We also werent able to meet with Celeste and her family this week because of this. The hung us out to dry twice this week! It was rough... We are trying so hard to help this family but the dad is always working and we just cant meet with them. This week we are planning on passing by a couple times by suprise this week. We need to find out if they really are interested. If they are, they need to start doing their part as well. It seems like that is always what holds us back. The part of the investigator...
As far as progressing investigators.. We have a couple! This past week we had a Spanish man call us and he told us that he wanted us to help him. We have started talking to him and he came to church this past week! It was pretty sweet, in Elders Quorem we got into a "heated discussion" about unity. Im sure you know what I mean, and at the very end of the lesson he raised his hand, stood up, and said I think if we have the Holy Ghost with us, we can do all things! BOOM! Roasted! haha after that, no one said anything! haha
We also have a lady named Yuly. She came to church for the first time this week as well and absolutely loved it! We set up another visit with her and she said she is also going to bring her sister! We are excited to start teaching her and her sister! More info to come!
We also found a lady named Nancy this week! She is from Columbia! She is really smart and super nice! She just moved here from Italy and is figuring things out. She also came to church. The only problem is we think she got really confused in the 2nd hour. The teacher of the Gospel Principles class is kinda stupid.. We are sitting in a class with a bunch of investigators and he asks stupid questions like. Is there anyone here who doesnt know what a patriachal blessing is??? Well Duh!!!!!! He tried to explain the priesthood this week and it didnt go well at all. She ended up leaving right after the class so we are going to try to meet with her this week... We will see what happens.
O fun story! So a couple just got married in our ward and for their honeymoon they went to thailand! So they got back this week and so I told them that Justin was serving there and was asking them what it was like... They told me that it was absolutely beautiful, that the ground never stops moving...(Becuase all of the bugs crawling around) haha, and that the food was interesting! I hope Justin is having a good time! :) haha Please send me his emails. I would love to hear from him and his intersting stories!
Well. Thats it this week! Love you all lots! Hope school is fun! Live it up! No regrets!
Love you guys!
Elder J. Carrigan
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