Good Morning Family!
First of let me just throw out a HUGE congradulations to the Knowltons! That is super awesome! Hong Kong will be so epic! please send photos! :) Also congrats on the baby!!!! I cant wait to have an Asian cousin!!!!! Holy, I cant believe I will have two new cousin when I come home! That is so crazy to me! Please keep me posted! :)
So honestly, the title of my email isnt lying! This past week was one of the funnest/most spiritual/best weeks in the mission! On Monday night we had another visit with Milady, and she told us that she had made the choice to get baptized on Saturday! So yes she was baptized on Saturday! More on that to come!
So on Tuesday, a Zone Leader, Elder Rios, had to come to Tarragona to do the interview for her. He was here all Tuesday and Wednesday! It was so much fun to work with Elder Rios again! He taught me a ton of new things that he has learned within the past 6 months and most of all reminded me what it was like to have so much fun on the mission! I honestly think that is why I loved Vitoria so much! We had so much fun and also worked really hard. So it is definately something I am focusing on again! I still have a lot of fun, but Elder Rios just takes it to another level! For example, We were contacting a ton of people in the street and he started running after this family and like yelling at them! haha We get to them and he starts contacting them, meanwhile I am trying so hard not to laugh... The dad didnt really want much so Elder Rios just started to give him a little pass along card and says, "Well, as missionaries we are always here to serve, so if you ever need anything, or, I dont know, you dream about something, give us a call! haha I almost died of laughter and so did the whole family! It was awesome!
So then on Wednesday night we went to Barcelona to have a conference with The Hospitalet Zone, Barcelona Zone, and President. We were there rfor 2 full days! Such a spiritual high! It just pumped me up again! AND I had the opportunity to see Elder Wilkinson for the first time in the mission! It was so awesome to talk to him and get caught up with everything! We talked for ever about everything and everyone! Good times!
So after day one of the conference, we stayed in Barcelona and slept in the Zone Leaders piso. We did splits and I got to go work with Elder Rios again! We made a bet with some other Elders that we could contact more people and recieve more numbers than them so once again we contacted a ton of people in the metro! But I have a super cool story from this! So soem other Elders contacted a man named Santos. They taught him the lesson of the resturation on a park bench and he loved it. The Elders tried to get his number, but he lost his phone... Then they tried to get his address, but he is living with someone or something.... So he told the Elders that if God really wanted this for him, he knew he would run into the Elders again... Well, meanwhile like I said Elder Rios and I were contacting in the metro when we say this man! Elder Rios started to talk to him and asked him if he had ever seen missionaries like us before. Well, right as Elder Rios said that, he pulled out from under his arm a Book of Mormon! haha! It was Santos! I think God wanted him to talk to the missionaries! haha Hopefully the missionaries there will be able to set a visit with him this week!
We then returned to Tarragona Friday night, just in time for Mileidy´s baptism! Her conversion story is probably my favorite so far in the mission! It is a perfect example of how when we do our part, the Lord will always do his! She was always an investigator who had lots of questions! We would always come to visits and just get hit with questions, questions, questions! When finally I told her that she can ask us all the questions she wants, but most importantly, she needed to ask God! So she began to pray! Pray! AND PRAY! She began telling us that she had never before prayed like this in her life, with so much faith that God would answer it was amazing! Then on the Saturday night before her baptism, she had a dream she was in her baptism. She was dressed in white and she remembers that Elder Garcia and I were there with here. Then just like Ana, she said she saw Jesus, smiling, She said he was really happy with what she was doing, then she woke up! She told us that she tried to go back to bed to dream more and see the ending, but she couldnt. After explaining this, she still had doubts about being baptized! I honestly couldnt believe it! She told us it was going to be impossible to get work of on a Saturday night because she works in a busy restraunt here in Tarragona, and this and that. I told her to just keep praying! Well, on Monday morning she recieved her work schedule... And what do you know... Saturday in the evening... NO WORK! Honestly, a miracle! She came to the conclusion that Saturday was the day that God wanted her to be baptized! She had recieved her answer and new in her heart it was what she needed to do! And so, she was baptized on Saturday! It was awesome! I love this work! Honestly, you cant deny it! The miracles and changes I see in people everyday are absolutely amazing!
I know this work is true and divinely inspired by God himself, I know the Book of Mormon is true, I know this Gospel is true!
I love you all so much and thank you all for the support you give me everyday! You truly are the best family in the world! Talk to you guys next week!
Elder Carrigan
0884 In the mission right now we are focusing on talking to EVERYONE! I think he talked more than most Spaniards! haha
0868 Me and My boy, Elder Wilkinson!
0870 Elder Rios with his two sons, and Me with one of my two sons! Love this man! haha
0880 BAPTISM!!!!!!
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