Hey Everyone!
SO its been an incredible week here in Barcelona! We saw so many miracles this week it was unreal!
So first off, I just want to clear some things up. The missionary that was in the train crash is actually from the MADRID mission, so I really dont know too much about the whole thing. I saw a video of the crash! Nuts! The conductor is an idiot! Last I heard he is being charged for man slaughter and is willing accepting being put into jail. Kind of interesting. Last I heard the Elder is doing fine and will be in the field soon. There was also a member couple on the train... The Husband is doing fine, but the wife is still in critical condition in the hospital. Pretty intense. Hope everything turns out well!
Another thing, I think some of you might have misunderstood me. They are NOT splitting the mission. They just split my ZONE. haha President Pace is still the mission president and I still serve in Barcelona! :)
But anyway, like I said, this week was a week of miracles! Last weekend, Elder Arce and I fasted for our area, we knew that one of us was going to leave, but we decided to fast for the ward because Barrio 1 hasnt seen a lot of convert baptisms this year. Well, Elder Feller and I saw the miracles this week! On Tuesday we received a couple calls. The first was from a lady named Maria. We set a visit for the next day to go and visit her. We got there to the door and as she opens the door she says Hello, Im Maria. My boyfriend is an exmissionary who lives in Chile. He is on Skype right now, and I have been talking to him and I want to be baptized! The only bad part is she left the next day for a month long vacation... BUT we gave her a Book of Mormon and when she gets back we will start to teach her the lessons! Miracle!
Well, We also recieved a call from a man named Claudio. He was born in Chile but moved here when he was 13 and has been living here for 30ish years. He called us and said he wanted to talk to us. We arrived to his house and he was super nice, as we sat down on his couch I ask him how he is doing and he says really well thanks. Really I want to get baptized and I just want to know the process and what I need to do! haha Boom! Miracle! I guess his mom is a member here as well and he decided he wanted to become closer to God and knew that baptism is the best way to do it! Well, I couldnt agree with him more!
As for Nikole and Rocio, everything is still going really well! Hopefully Nikole gets out of the hospital soon, we still dont know when they will release her... Everything is going well though! Rocio is still progressing. We have a visit with her tonight and we are excited! I talked to her the other day and we might have some potential problems with her husband not wanting her to be baptized, but im positive the spirit will help us! Please keep her in your prayers!
Elder Feller and I are having a blast together! He is a really great kid! Really down to earth, has a lot of desires to work, but also likes to have a lot of fun! We are having a really good time together and have already seen a ton of miracles together! I am positive we will also see many more!
We found a lady this week contacting and it was her birthday. She told us she was interested in learning more so we told her to come to church on Sunday and we would make her brownies and celebrate her birthday! Well, She came to church, but the brownies didnt turn out so well! haha In fact, the didnt turn out at all! haha
Dad, as far as the whole Ipad thing... Yeah, I still think we are a little behind... My phone is still one of those little bricks! haha Hopefully the come around soon! I think they would make things a whole lot easier, but we will see! We are trying to work a lot closer with the members. I think President Pace said it best. The members arent here to help us with our missionary work, we are here to help them with their missionary work! Its so true! As members of the Lords true church, its our responsibility to share our blessings with others!
Well, I love you guys lots! Keep up the good work and enjoy your last month of summer! :)
Elder Carrigan